Village Playground

All our play areas and outdoor gyms will re-opening on Saturday 4 July following government advice.

Before visiting, we are asking residents to read the guidance below so they can protect themselves, their children and others when using the equipment and help limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Bring your own sanitiser for you and children to use before, during and after using the equipment

You may wish to bring wipes to clean equipment beforehand, paying particular attention to touch points such as swing rockers, see saws, machine handles or exercise bars
Follow social distancing guidelines and encourage children to do the same

Limit the amount of time children use the equipment
Adults may consider wearing a face covering, although this is not mandatory
Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds as soon as you can, or when you return home
Please dispose of wipes, disposable gloves, face coverings and any litter responsibly in a general rubbish bin. If the public bins are full, please take your items home.
Accompanying adults are responsible for children at all times
Anyone using the equipment does so at their own risk
Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) should not attempt to use the equipment.

Signage will be up in all play areas to make people aware of this guidance.

We are asking residents to continue to follow all current government advice in addition to the above:

Thank you as always for your co-operation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Parks and Open Spaces team by emailing