Parish Council Clerk Vacancy


Helions Bumpstead is a small village in the north of the District bordering on to Suffolk and Camb and currently has six (6) siting Parish Councillors one Vacancy. The vacancy has occurred due to the resignation of the present Parish Clerk/RFO who is moving to the Scottish Borders in June.

The Council is seeking a self-motivated individual with an interest in helping to work with Councillors for the good of the community, in this key role, acting as the Parish Council’s executive officer and principal adviser.

Working mainly from home the successful applicant should have good knowledge and experience of using computer software (Word, Excel, e-mail etc); good communication and organisation skills; the ability to write concise, clear reports and minutes; basic accounting skills and an ability to work on their own initiative in the execution of their duties.

Ideally the applicant should live within easy reach of Helions Bumpstead and have a general knowledge of the local area.

Hours of work are 6 hours per week and the annual salary is in line with National Joint Pay Scales and will be dependent on the experience of the successful candidate.

The successful applicant will be required to attend at least 12 evening Council meetings a year, which are held on the 2nd Monday of the month and occasional ad-hoc meetings.

The successful applicant will have already obtained or be working towards the (CiLCA) Certificate in Local Council Administration

Duties will include:
• • Attendance at regular Parish Council Meetings – usually in the
• • The Annual Parish Meeting and interim meetings as and when
• • The preparation of agendas, reports and associated documents in
preparation for meetings.
• • Production of minutes and the implementation of the decisions of
the Council.
• • Ensuring Planning Applications are dealt with in a timely manner
and referred to the Borough Council Planning Officer for inclusion
in the decision-making process.
• • Liaison with the public and other agencies.
• • Financial management and the preparation of the Annual Budget and
the end of year accounts to Audit level in accordance with current
prescribed processes.
• • Maintenance of public information sources (e.g.notice boards and

For further information and an application form contact: Cathryn Carlisle 01440731964 for more details
Closing Date for applications: 7th April 2021

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