Our Parish Council

Village Sign

What we do

The Parish Council is the third tier of local government, after the County Council and the District Council, but it is a non-political body. It is at the ‘grass roots’ and as such is in the best position to understand and represent the views of the local community.

The Parish Council has a surprising number of powers that it can exercise if it so wishes. Below are some of the activities Helions Bumpstead Parish Council currently carries out for the benefit of the Village:

  • Considers all planning applications relating to Helions Bumpstead, and makes comments as appropriate to the District Council
  • As Custodian Trustees of the Village Hall, supports the Hall Management Committee in maintaining the only public meeting place in the Village.
  • Provides and maintains bus shelters
  • Supports the PCC in maintaining the Churchyard
  • Maintains the Village Green
  • Maintains the Children’s Playground on the Recreation Ground
  • Maintains and waymarks public footpaths and bridleways
  • Maintains highway verges
  • Provides street cleaning
  • Provides litter bins and some seats and benches in the Village
  • Provides noticeboards at the Village Hall, Wiggens Green and Drapers Green
  • Has responsibility for footpath lighting throughout the Village
  • Undertakes special projects such as the Village Appraisal, the Parish Plan and Parish Plan Update, and managing this website.


Your  current Parish Councillors are:

  • Sue Cunningham
  • Roy Etheridge
  • Steven McGrath
  • Neville Nicholson
  • Andrew Parker
  • Nigel Turner
  • Richard Kirkland

Parish Clerk/RFO: Kevin B. Money

Contact details:

email: clerk@helionsbumpsteadparishcouncil.gov.uk

Tel: 07810781509

The Clerk works each week on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 12 noon and can be contacted by telephone or email

Our District Councillor is Diana Garrod

Our County Councillor is Peter Schwier