Helions Bumpstead AGM 7.00 pm on Thursday 6th May 2021 any members of the public wanting to attend please contact the Clerk.
Meeting ID: 889 952 4379
Passcode: 7sqnUi
21/88 Election of Chairman
21/89 Election of Vice-Chairman
21/90 To Complete Acceptance of Office Forms and to check whether there are any changes to the register of interest forms.
21/91 Apologies for Absence
21/92 Members’ declarations of interest
21/93 Appointments to Committees and of Special Responsibilities
21/94 Public forum
21/95 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12th April 2021
21/96 Finance Report
21/97.1 £318.24 Cathryn Carlisle Clerk’s Salary 21/98.2 £56.24 Haven Lighting D/D 21/99.3 £32.80 Cathryn Carlisle Expense
21/99.4 £120 Malcolm Cox Gritting
21/99.5 £49.00 BDC Printing
21/99.6 Month Bank Statement and Monthly Budget Form
21/100 Clerk’s Report
21/101 District Councillor’s Report
21/102 County Councillor’s Report
21/103 Reports from Councillors with Matters affecting the village
21/104 Highways Issues
21/104.1 Flooding in Sages End Road
21/105 Footpath update
21/106 Consultations /Publications sent
21/107 Forward Planning
21/107.1 Parish Plan/Design Statement
21/108 Community Benefit Society
To receive information regarding the CBS
21/109 AONB
21/110 Parish Magazine
To discuss what size to print the magazine and look at advertising costs 21/110 Items for information and inclusion on next meeting’s agenda
21/111 Date of the next meeting
21/112 Meeting Closed